RSL WA Support
RSL WA provides a full range of welfare and case management services to the Veteran community including allied forces, ex-serving, current serving members and their dependents. The service is delivered through face-to-face, online (Skype/Zoom/Teams) or phone appointments. Home and hospital visits can be arranged through our Pastoral Care program, by contacting RSL WA Chaplain on 0430 507 271 or chaplaincy@rslwa.org.au
The RSL WA State Welfare Officer can be contacted via email - welfare@rslwa.org.au
Welfare assistance is available for, but not limited to, the following:
- Emergency relief, payment of utility bills, food vouchers, other essential requirements, general crisis assistance and referral to other agencies and support services
- Providing information about, and referrals to, government and non-government health and welfare services
- Providing information on aged-care services, aged-care residential facilities and community health services
- Conducting home and hospital visits
- Helping with hospital discharge planning
- Liaising with the Royal Commonwealth Ex-services League (RCEL) on behalf of allied Veterans, with assistance provided with overseas pension applications
- Bereavement assistance through the WA Aged Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen's Relief Fund Trust. Financial assistance towards funeral costs, purchase of white goods, car repairs and other necessities that the Veteran or ex-service member is unable to provide for themselves
- The provision of security bonds and rent in advance is another critical service provided to Veterans. With a number of Veterans facing homelessness, it is about getting Veterans off the street and into safe, secure, affordable housing
- Crisis counselling to point of referral
- Coordinating support for Veterans in regional areas through the Sub-Branches, including assistance getting to medical appointments, fellowship and social support.
Advocating for welfare services, including, but not limited to:
- Promoting and protecting the rights and wellbeing of older Veterans through the provision of information, support and representation at the State Administrative Tribunal
- Liaising with government departments, such as Centrelink and The Department of Housing, on behalf of Veterans
- Referral to RSL Advocates for assistance in making claims to Department of Veterans Affairs
Assistance for Veterans
The Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen's relief Trust Fund provides support and financial assistance to veterans, including allied forces, ex-serving, current serving members and their dependents. To qualify for assistance you must reside in Western Australia.
Examples of assistance provided by the fund to those experiencing financial hardship include:
- Monthly grants
- Assistance with rent arrears and security bonds
- Funeral costs
- Outstanding debts (water, gas, electricity, telephone)
- Replacement of white goods
- Removal costs
- School fees
- Mobility products
- Motor vechile repairs
- Other necessities
It is not necessary to be a member of the Returned and Services League (RSL). Basic proof of Service and hardship is required.
Applicants should contact the Trust Administrator, Rosalind Howat at Level 4, 28 St Georges Terrace, Perth on (08) 9287 3799.
Andrew S
RSL WA and Working Spirit offer veterans free career support, providing them with dedicated coaches to help them secure employment with ease.

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